Welcome to Sapient.ai – The Software Testing Co-pilot!

Rishi Singh

October 4, 2022

Welcome to Sapient.ai – The Software Testing Co-pilot! 

Today I’m thrilled to see AI Test Coder, our powerful generative AI testing platform, formally launched from beta. Our new product works side-by-side with developers to continuously check, validate and write great test code without any manual tasks. 

As Harness's co-founder and former CTO, I am blessed to have worked with a great team to disrupt the CI/CD market for DevOps. With AI Test Coder, SapientAI has built an advanced generative AI test platform to help developers regain wasted time, increase test accuracy and deliver quality applications with intelligent automation.

I invite you to see how powerful AI Test Coder is for yourself by visiting www.sapient.ai for a free account. 

SapientAI founder and CEO, Rishi Singh

Why Sapient.ai?

During my tenure at Apple and Harness, where I held a senior management role and led a team of over 250 engineers, I noticed a trend among many organizations to prioritize speed over quality.

While there is certainly value in moving quickly in today's fast-paced business environment, sacrificing quality can ultimately lead to costly mistakes and setbacks down the line. I have witnessed teams striving to implement continuous delivery, only to step back to weekly deployment because they could not meet the quality requirements. The solution became clear: develop an intelligent “test coder” for fast-paced teams striving for speed AND quality. I recognized the need for a tool that could help developers streamline their testing processes without sacrificing the accuracy and effectiveness of their testing procedures.

While we are clearly in the early stages of generative AI, I am extremely excited to be at the forefront of new possibilities this technology will bring to the software delivery process. Through our beta program, we see how developers can complete tasks that took days in minutes and focus more of their time on creating new products.

I don’t see AI taking the place of developers but helping them to perform as superhumans!

With an understanding of the limitations of today’s Large Language Models, our approach is to provide contextual insights and data intelligence to tune the generative AI to be very specific and effective in meeting the needs of developers.

SapientAI Test Coder interface

As we outlined in our news announcement today, AI Test Coder is an IDE plug-in that supports any development tool or environment. We’ve developed the first and only test code generator that combines generative AI and code intelligence to work as a testing co-pilot for software developers. It goes beyond just “creating code.” Developers can know their test code is correct with no guesswork involved. Get SapientAI today.

AI Test Coder works by:

1. Inspect Code:

AI Test Coder instantly inspects all software code to understand the full spectrum of the software testing environment for underlying issues. It identifies incorrect assumptions before generating any test code. The contextual analysis identifies costly errors and bugs before they become problematic and wreak havoc across applications. 

2. Predict Code Issues

AI Test Coder includes code intelligence to understand existing code and automatically identify and detect patterns where new software issues may arise. It locates where code changes will have an impact before generating the test code. It eliminates wasted time spent manually debugging code and frees more time to build great applications.  

3. Generate Test Code: Primed with code insights and knowledge, AI Test Coder generates test code with a deep understanding of complex software environments for highly accurate and reliable tests. It knows what needs testing for each application regardless of the environment. Developers don’t have to write and manage test codes again or use trial-and-error with generative- AI-only technology.

We’ve developed the first and only test code generator that combines generative AI and code intelligence to work as a testing co-pilot for software developers.

I firmly believe generative AI is an immensely powerful technology that will accelerate innovation across many industries. As software developers, we are always working on things that will be consumed, and the consumption model will evolve with this new technology. I predict that soon, developers will act more as orchestrators or application architects who innovate without the constraints of the past.

My vision for software development is new and intelligent platforms that act to monitor and generate great code and, eventually, new security solutions and delivery methods rolled into one. Our goal is to pioneer smarter, more efficient ways to deliver software with great quality. 

I firmly believe generative AI is an immensely powerful technology that will accelerate innovation across many industries. As software developers, we are always working on things that will be consumed, and the consumption model will evolve with this new technology.

I would also like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our alpha users, who have been with us since the beginning and have provided invaluable feedback as we continue to develop our product. Your guidance and support have been instrumental in shaping the direction of our innovation, and we are deeply grateful for your contribution.

None of this would be possible without our amazing team at SapientAI. They work magic every day, turning complex challenges into elegant solutions and building a truly beautiful product. I am constantly inspired by their creativity, passion, and dedication, and we are privileged to work alongside such talented individuals.

We look forward to working with developers as we evolve disruptive innovation – and to play a part in how software is built and deployed in the future! Get SapientAI today.