Todd Blaschka
GTM Leader
Rishi Singh
Founder & CEO

Building an AI product requires a robust technical stack, one that seamlessly integrates various components for data handling, model training, deployment, and scaling. In this webinar, we will examine the critical building blocks necessary for constructing an AI-powered product, from data infrastructure to cloud platforms.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Core Components: An exploration of essential tools and platforms such as and, providing the backbone for developing AI solutions.
  2. Cloud Platforms for Scalability: A comprehensive look at the leading cloud services including AWS, Azure, and GCP, and how they enable scalable and flexible AI development.
  3. From Idea to Implementation: Practical guidance on connecting these building blocks into a cohesive AI development pipeline, emphasizing the design considerations and best practices to convert an idea into a fully-fledged AI product.

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